Source-Connect 4.0 Troubleshooting
The following page contains information that will help you troubleshoot Source-Connect 4.0 issues, including:
- A list of possible connection issues and links to the articles with troubleshooting steps.
- A list of the most common sound issues and links to articles with troubleshooting steps.
- A comprehensive list of error messages, notices and warnings for Source-Connect 4.0 for Talent and Studio, and the Restore/Replace module of the application.
If you run into any issues not listed on this website, including error messages, please contact the support team.
Connection Troubleshooting
Disconnection issues are usually caused by severe network congestions occurring, or an unstable or insufficient WiFi connection. This can happen if you are inside a LAN where many other users are downloading and uploading large files. Reduce your bitrate, increase the buffer size and reconnect.
Read through the Source-Connect 4 network configuration and bandwidth article to review any requirements you might be missing.
Sound Troubleshooting
Issue | Reference Article |
Beeps in the audio | If you hear beeps in your audio, the problem might be related to clocking issues (see below "Clocking issues" section). Clocking issues are caused by sample rate conflicts. Make sure that your hardware devices have the same sample rate (this applies to any devices, including webcams, that you have connected while you are using Source-Connect). If you are a Mac user, check the Audio MIDI Setup to make sure all devices are set to the same sample rate your session has. If you are on Windows, go to Sounds > Recording/Playback > Device > Advanced instead. Beeping can also be caused by Wi-Fi dropouts, issues with your Source-Connect Link plugin, or your hardware's buffer. Check the linked articles for more information and recommendations for any of these issues. |
Buffering audio | Here is a link to an article on audio buffering in Source-Connect and how to improve your network connection to stop rebuffering. |
Clocking issues | This is a link to a tips and tricks for Mac for Source-Connect and other Source Elements products. This is the same article, but for Windows instead. Specifically, tip 2 expands on understanding digital clocking problems. |
Crackling audio | Crackling issues might be caused by incompatible devices either on the send or on the receive side. First, try connecting to the echo contacts. If you hear crackles, the problem is on your side. In essence, try disconnecting all devices other than your audio devices, and then plug them in one at a time to discover the culprit. Make sure your system meets the recommended network requirements listed on this page as well. Lastly, make sure you are using the correct audio driver for your audio device. If you need help with your audio environment, please contact our support team, which includes audio engineers. Focusrite ASIO USB Driver and Windows 11: the driver is known to have issues when used for Source-Connect in Windows 11. If you hear any crackling/distortion, download FlexASIO instead. |
Echoes in the audio | Echoes in the audio are often caused by the other side of the connection. Make sure that you are using your headphones as outputs and not open speakers because your microphone will pick up everything coming out of the speakers and transmit that back. If you do need to use open speakers, then a talkback/push to talk switch must be used. Also, if you are using Source-Connect Link or Source-Nexus I/O, make sure the routing is correct. If you are using a Yamaha Steinberg interface and you hear echoes, make sure to turn off the built-in loopback feature. |
Fuzzy or distorted audio | These issues are usually caused by sample-rate conflicts or an incorrect audio driver on your device. First, make sure that your hardware devices support higher sample rates (this applies to any devices, including webcams, that you have connected while you are using Source-Connect). In addition, Mac users can also check the Audio MIDI Setup to make sure all devices are set to the same sample rate your session has. If you are on Windows, go to Sounds > Recording/Playback > Device > Advanced instead. |
Interface drivers and compatibility | An issue between Source-Connect and your interface drivers might cause one of three issues (are two of them, in the worst case scenario): 1. You will have fuzzy or distorted audio. In that case, check "Fuzzy or distorted audio" in this table. 2. You might only be able to use your audio driver in one program at a time. In this case, contact our support team. |
Intermittent audio | Most intermittency issues are caused by network bandwidth and configuration problems. Here is a link to an article including the minimum requirements and the recommended network requirements. Other causes might include an incorrect buffer (check the buffer size article here), or problems at the source of the audio (in this case, you will need to check with your connection partner to make sure there are no issues on their end). |
The Source-Connect plugin | Here are some basic articles on Link for Source-Connect Standard, Pro and Pro X. If Source-Connect Link does not show on your DAW, check the following articles: Ableton Live, Adobe Audition, Cubase and Nuendo, Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, Reaper, Studio One, Cakewalk Sonar for Windows. If your DAW is not in the list, let us know, and we will add troubleshooting instructions. Additionally, please review the following two articles if you are having instability issues with Logic: the audio-unit is causing Logic to become unstable, or the Source-Connect Link application shows a never-ending loading icon. |
The Source-Nexus I/O plugin | Here is an article on the most common Source-Nexus I/O issues and how to solve them. |
List of Source-Connect Alerts, Error Messages, Notices and Warnings
Product | Message | Article |
Source-Connect | Error #100: API error. Cannot connect to API. | |
Source-Connect | Error #101: Network device error. Cannot connect to the internet. | |
Source-Connect | Error #102: Network service error. Cannot connect to the presence servers. | |
Source-Connect | Error #103: Network service error. Cannot connect to media servers. | |
Source-Connect | Error #104: Network service error. Cannot connect to connectivity servers. | |
Source-Connect | Error #105: Account is logged in. Attention! This account is used on another computer. If you log in the existing session will be disrupted. Would you like to proceed? | |
Source-Connect | Warning #107: Insufficient disk space. You have less than 10 GB of your disk space left. Make sure to clear your disk space to use AutoRestore/AutoReplace. | |
Source-Connect | Logout warning #108: You have an active AutoRestore/AutoReplace process. Do you still want to log out? | |
Source-Connect | Logout warning #109: You are in an active connection. Do you still want to log out? | |
Source-Connect | Startup error #110: Error reading startup options | |
Source-Connect | Preferences error #111: Error reading preferences | |
Source-Connect | Username or password is incorrect | |
Source-Connect | Ports failed | |
Source-Connect | Ports not mapped | |
Source-Connect | Ports unavailable | |
Source-Connect | Unexpected error #199: An unexpected error occurred | |
Source-Connect | Connection error #200. Cannot connect to {username} due to network error | |
Source-Connect | Connection port error #201: Cannot connect to {username} due to network error on port {port} | |
Source-Connect | Network service error #202: Cannot authenticate to relay servers | |
Source-Connect | Network service error #203: Cannot connect to relay servers | |
Source-Connect | Notification #204: Disconnected. You have been removed from the connection by {user} | |
Source-Connect | Cannot connect to presence servers | |
Source-Connect | Cannot rejoin because everyone has left | |
Source-Connect | Error connecting to <username> | |
Source-Connect | Unexpected connection error #299: Cannot connect to {username} | |
Source-Connect | WARNING #300: To use this application, we need permission to use your microphone. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy and grant access to Source-Connect to use your microphone. | |
Source-Connect | ERROR #301: Device permission error. Microphone permissions needed | |
Source-Connect | Audio device error #302: Audio device “{audio device name}” couldn’t be created | |
Source-Connect | Audio device error #303: “{audio device name}” doesn’t report any buffer sizes. | |
Source-Connect | Audio device error #304: Device “{audio device name}“ failed to open: {reason} | |
Source-Connect | Audio device warning #305: Audio processing deadline was not met. Check Logs tab for more information. | |
Source-Connect | Audio device error #307: The audio device “{audio device name}“ is unavailable. Audio will not be routed to or from this audio device. | |
Source-Connect | Buffer size error #308: The buffer size {buffer} that is set for device {device} is too high for {num_channels} channels. | |
Source-Connect | Unexpected device error #399: An error occurred with the device {device} | |
Source-Connect | Disk warning #500: You have less than 10 GB of your disk space left. Make sure to clear your disk space to continue using AutoRestore/AutoReplace. | |
Source-Connect | Delete data warning #501: Are you sure you wish to delete all data? The action cannot be undone | |
Source-Connect | Uploader data missing | |
Source-Connect | Network error | |
Source-Connect | Internal process failure, try again | |
Source-Connect | Process failed, please try again | |
Source-Connect | Process failed, please contact the Requester | |
Source-Connect | Channel count mismatch | |
Source-Connect | Sample rate mismatch | |
Source-Connect | Cannot open file, please try again later | |
Source-Connect | Data caching stopped due to low disk space | |
Source-Connect | Error #599: Unexpected error | |
Source-Connect | File system error #600: Disk files cannot be encrypted, please contact Support | |
Source-Connect | Keychain access error #601: Access needed to keychain in order to encrypt and decrypt system files | |
Source-Connect | Permission error #602: The selected Watch folder does not have permission for Source-Connect to write, and cannot be selected. | |
Source-Connect | Permission error #603: The selected Cached Audio folder does not have permission for Source-Connect to write, and cannot be selected. | |
Source-Connect | Software update error #604 - Update failed, please try again | |
Source-Connect | Software update error #605 - Update failed due to system incompatibility | |
Source-Connect | Software update error #606 - Update failed, a newer version of Source-Connect is installed | |
Source-Connect | Software update error #607 - Update failed, unable to close the running instance of Source-Connect | |
Source-Connect | Unexpected file system error #699: An error occurred with a file system process | |
Source-Connect | Error #701: Cannot bind to local port | |
Source-Connect | Warning #702: Port not mapped | |
Source-Connect | Error #703: Network port test unavailable | |
Source-Connect | Error #704: Network port test failed | |
Source-Connect | Error #799: Unexpected port error. An unexpected error occurred | |
Source-Connect Link | Error #800: Bonjour error. Cannot initialize Bonjour. Please restart the DAW and Source-Connect. | |
Source-Connect Link | Error #899: Unexpected DAW plug-in error. An unexpected error occurred. | |
Source-Connect Link | Warning: one or more audio buffers were dropped | |
Source-Connect Link | There was an error starting a TCP server. This will make the plugin unavailable from the Source-Connect application. | |
Source-Connect Link | There was an error communicating with the Source-Connect application | |
Source-Connect Link | Warning: The plugin is bypassed and cannot communicate with Source-Connect | |