Restore/Replace Panel: Connections Panel Actions in Source-Connect Studio/Facility
There are several actions available in the Connections panel:
- Saving your session locally as a .WAV audio file. It is highly useful in case of issues of your connection partner not receiving your data due to network errors or a recording failure. Essentially, this is a manual process of transferring the recording as a file, instead of automatically having it transferred on request.
- Pausing the restore/replace process, if a transfer is in process and you need to conserve bandwidth or no longer wish for the process to continue. You can resume any transfers again at any time and the transfer will resume from the last transfer position instead of restarting from the beginning.
- Deleting the restored/replaced session data. If you know that your recording partner has successfully completed all Restore and Replace processes, you can now delete all session data from disk. This will permanently remove all stored data to date. You will be asked to confirm this action. After deleting all data, you will see that the cached disk usage at the bottom of the panel has decreased accordingly. We recommend doing this after each session.