ERROR#114: Ports not mapped
This article contains troubleshooting information
ERROR#114: Ports not mapped
Source-Connect | Version 4 | All Operating Systems
When attempting a port test in the Settings panel, users get an error message saying “ports not mapped”.
The most common cause for the error message is that your ports are not mapped. It might also be caused by firewalls, anti-viruses, anti-malware, or "protection" application blocking Source-Connect's access to the ports.
If you have an active firewall (on Windows or Mac), an anti-virus (Kaspersky, Avast, etc), or other protection software (McAfee, Norton, Malwarebytes, etc), make sure to check the settings for port mapping. Most of these applications have specific settings for ports.
If you have McAfee, you can also:
- Go to Network Devices.
- Select Source-Connect loader.
- Scroll down to the bottom and click "Edit".
- Allow all ports through for Source-Connect.
Alternatively, add a Windows firewall rule to allow Source-Connect through, and do the same for every "protection" software.
If all of the above fails, uninstalling "protection" software fixes the issue.
We also have a general, step-by-step port forwarding guide that you can refer to if you are trying to do your own port forwarding.
If you continue to receive the warning on Source-Connect, contact our support team.
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