The Source-Nexus Mute-On plugin at a first glance
When you first drop the Source-Nexus Mute-On plugin onto a track on your DAW, you will see the Source-Nexus Mute-On interface. The plugin’s look might look slightly different on the different DAWs, but it will always have the same functionalities.
- Sidechain/key input: the sidechain/key input that is selected will feed into the sidechain input widget and enable the different playback state actions.
- Sidechain input widget: the widget containing all actions related to the management of your sidechain’s audio input.
- Plugin Input widget: the widget containing all actions related to the management of your plugin’s audio input.
- Input level meter: displays your input’s audio level. If the meter moves into the orange or red areas of the meter, you are likely to experience sound distortions and a lower quality of your signal.
- Peak hold: an indicator of the highest level caught by Source-Nexus Mute-On. In the case of stereo or surround tracks, they will show up as single pixel dots.
- Clipping indicator: the red clipping indicator will stay red if there was any clipping in the audio.
- Input Fader: the input channel has a volume fader that can be used to adjust the input level. Double click or alt/option+click to set the fader to 0dB. The amount of gain applied is displayed in the input level display (4) on top of the fader.
- On Play action menu: the actions available when the audio is playing on the track where Source-Nexus Mute-On is (normal playback). Available actions are Do Nothing, Mute, Dim and Unmute. The default action is “Do Nothing” for On Play.
On Record action menu: the actions available when recording is on for the track where Source-Nexus Mute-On is. Available actions are Do Nothing, Mute, Dim and Unmute. The default action is “Do Nothing” for On Record.
The “On Record” playback state is unavailable in the Audio Unit version of the plugin due to limitations with AU plugins.
- On Stop action menu: the actions available when the track in which Source-Nexus Mute-On is placed is idle/stopped. Available actions are Do Nothing, Mute, Dim and Unmute. The default action is “Do Nothing” for On Stop.
- On Key action menu: the actions available when the configured key is pressed. Available actions are Do Nothing, Mute, Dim and Unmute, Key momentary: none (click to set new key), Key latch: none (click to set new key). You can set any combination of a key and modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift, cmd) as well. The default action is “Do Nothing” for On Key.
- On Midi action menu: the actions when the configured MIDI key is pressed. Available actions are Do Nothing, Mute, Dim and Unmute, Midi momentary: none (click to set new key), Midi latch: none (click to set new key). The default action is “Do Nothing” for On Midi.
Playback state actions: the plugin actions listed below are available on both the plugin input and the sidechain input - however, each setting is specific to the input type and playback state (play, record, stop, key, midi). Configurations are not copied over from one input to another.
- Do Nothing: when the track is in the specific playback state, the sound will have no modifications.
- Mute: when the track is in the specific playback state, the sound will be muted.
- Dim: when the track is in the specific playback state, the sound will be dimmed. All dim options are described in (14).
- Unmute: when the track is in the specific playback state, the sound will be unmuted.
- Momentary key (On Key and On Midi only): when the option is selected, the configured key will remain pressed - this means that you only need to hit the key command once.
- Key latch (On Key and On Midi only): when the option is clicked, you will be able to configure a new regular key or MIDI key to press.
- Dim options: depending on your needs, you may wish to modify the dim from the default (Global). Available options are “Global”(the value set in the global settings), -6db, -10db, -15db, 30db and -∞ db.
- Plugin output: the output of the Source-Nexus Mute-On plugin. The default output of the plugin will be the track’s assigned output.
Global settings: there are two settings for your entire plugin (not just the output):
- The Global dim value you want to assign (-15db by default, and -6db, -10db, -15db, -30db and -∞ db.
- The MIDI device that the input and the device that the sidechain will listen to for the “On MIDI” actions.