"Source location is not available" error message on iLok License Manager
This article contains troubleshooting information.
Source location is not accessible
Please run iLok License Manager on “<location name>” if you want to perform any operations on this location.
If you can no longer access this machine and would like to have your licenses back, please contact the appropriate publishers for a machine activation reset.
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When users attempt to activate an iLok account on a different computer for any iLok-dependent Source Elements software, they see the following message:

If you have lost access to the computer with the Source-Connect license, you will need to proceed depending on the type of Source-Connect license you have:
- Perpetual: you will need to purchase an iLok License Replacement from the Source Elements store. The licensing team will reset your license within 2 business days. Otherwise, contact our support team, and they will reset the license for you.
- Subscription: contact our support team, and they will reset the license for you.
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