ERROR#302: Audio device couldn’t be created
This article contains troubleshooting information
ERROR#302: Audio device error
Audio device <audio device name> couldn’t be created
Source-Connect | Version 4 | All Operating Systems
When users select an audio device in Source-Connect, they receive an error message saying the audio device cannot be created.
The audio device couldn’t be created. It is possible that the device may not have been available anymore.
In order to resolve this issue, first try to restart CoreAudio by doing the following:
- Open a terminal.
- Type in the following command: sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/
Alternatively, carry out step 2 manually by:
- Opening the Activity monitor.
- Finding the “coreaudiod” process.
- Stopping the process. It will restart automatically.
To rule out issues with physical devices, or just in case your machine does not have any audio drivers, try installing Source-Nexus (using the free driver or a trial version of Source-Nexus if you don't have a license). This will install several default drivers, which you should see in the I/O dropdown of the General Settings.
You can also perform an audio MIDI test to ensure that your MIDI setup is correct.
If all of the above fails, try rebooting your computer and launching Source-Connect 4.
If the problem remains, contact our Support team for advice and bug reporting.
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