ERROR#207: Error connecting to "username"
This article contains troubleshooting information
ERROR#207: Error connecting to <username>
Reason: Error 207. Cannot connect
Source-Connect | Version 4 | All Operating Systems
Quick fix for error 207: reconnect and try again
This is an extremely rare error that we have a solution for in the near future. Please try and reconnect first before trying further actions.
When users try to establish a connection with another user, they get error 207.

The error can be related to:
- A network error on your side.
- The connection partner you are calling has another issue on their side.
In order to resolve this issue:
- Reconnect: in almost every case the connection will work
- Allow connections to the API IPs in the local computer firewall or corporate firewall.
- Check the support status in case of a service error.
Then, try to connect with your connection partner again.
If you feel you have received this error message by mistake, please contact out support team.
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