Using the Source-Nexus Mute-On presets on your DAW
You can configure your Source-Nexus Mute-On settings manually to meet specific requirements; however, presets are available to simplify the process and provide efficient routing solutions. These are the available options, depending on your DAW and the version of Source-Nexus Mute-On you are using (AAX, VST or AU):
Preset Name | AAX | VST | AU |
Talkback_Aux_Mic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Talkback_Master_Dim | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Talkback_Aux_Mic_Auto | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Talkback_Master_Dim_Auto | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Remote_Playback_Track | Yes | Yes | No |
Remote_Playback_Master_Monitor | Yes | Yes | No |
Low_Latency_Monitor_Fix | Yes | Yes | No |
The menu where the options are available will depend on your DAW - the following captures are from Pro Tools Ultimate 2024.10.1 and Logic Pro 11.1.1:
- Use this preset on your talkback mic track to create a talkback switch.
- Sets the \ key as your talkback switch and shift + \ as the talkback latch.
- Sets MIDI CC80 as your talkback switch and CC81 as the talkback latch to work with the Talkback and Volume Control iOS app for a remote talkback switch (MIDI network session and MIDI device still need to be configured separately).
- Use this preset on your master track to dim the master output while using Mute-On as a talkback switch.
- Uses the same key and MIDI assignments as the Talkback_Aux_Mic preset to dim your master output while your talkback is open to avoid feedback and make your talkback signal more intelligible.
- Uses the same settings as the Talkback_Aux_Mic preset but also keeps your talkback open while playback is idle.
- Talkback closes automatically during playback and record
- Uses the same settings as the Talkback_Master_Dim preset but also keeps your master output dimmed while playback is idle.
- Dim is turned off during playback and record.
- Use this preset on your record track when recording from a remote source in order to playback the recorded audio to the remote person without looping their signal back Mutes the output of the track while idle and recording, and unmutes the track on playback.
- Use in conjunction with the Remote_Playback_Master_Monitor preset on the master track to monitor the remote person’s audio.
- Not available in the AU version due to limitations with the AU plugin type.
- Use this preset on your master track in conjunction with the Remote_Playback_Track preset on your record track to reinject the remote person’s signal to your master output so you can monitor their signal, otherwise their audio will be muted except during playback.
- Set the sidechain/key input of the plugin to the remote person’s input.
- Can also be used on a separate aux or audio track instead of the master track.
- Not available in the AU version due to limitations with the AU plugin type.
- Use this preset on your record track when using third party hardware low latency monitoring instead of Pro Tools low latency monitoring mode.
- Mutes the record track during idle and record to prevent a doubling of the monitor signal and unmutes during playback to hear the recorded audio.
- Pro Tools disables plugins in low latency monitoring mode, using Mute-On with this preset instead allows for low latency monitoring through your hardware with plugins still active.
- Not available in the AU version due to limitations with the AU plugin type.