Known Issues with Source-Connect 4
Pro Tools 2022.09 and the Source-Connect I/O
Please note that there is a known compatibility issue with the Source-Connect I/O and Pro Tools 2022.09 where the plugin crashes.
If you are using that version of Pro Tools, please upgrade to Pro Tools 2023.3 to avoid any issues.
Source-Connect I/O and Bonjour issues on Windows 11
Bonjour is a service used by the Source-Connect I/O DAW plugin. This is an optional service that provides connectivity between Source-Connect and your DAW. Bonjour is unsupported on some new versions of Windows because the owner of Bonjour, Apple, has not provided an official update. When Bonjour is installed on affected systems, you will get this error when launching Source-Connect 4.
Restore/Replace on Windows with 16-bit Source-Nexus I/O
The newer versions of Source-Nexus I/O install the driver at 32-bit by default. However, legacy versions of the Source-Nexus driver on Windows are set to 16-bit by default after the driver is installed.
Due to how Windows processes 16-bit audio in general, the Restore/Replace process will not work (nothing will be displayed in the Restore/Replace panel, and no background processes will run) when doing a Restore/Replace process with Source-Nexus I/O 16-bit.
Using the Source-Nexus I/O at 32-bit will not cause any issues.